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MD6002 Week 26 - NAS TogetherGifts Animation

TogetherGifts is a new fundraising service from the National Autistic Society that enebles people to share their stories about their experiences of living with autism or those of people they know, such as friends or family members, donate £2 a month and invite others to donate funds to the society. In this video explaining how TogetherGifts works, Lucy tells the story of her autistic son Max, who has a meltdown in the supermarket. His meltdown is caused by a build-up of noise and bright lights he finds "difficult to cope with" and Lucy has witnessed others judging them without knowing what was happening. When Max was diagnosed Lucy and her husband were given information on the NAS. Lucy phoned the society and they gave her impartial yet helpful advice on providing education for Max.

The animation in this video is simple yet smooth if repetitive on Max playing with his toys but I like its colour scheme matching that of the NAS logo. I also find this video informative because it explains what living with autism is like and gives a clear explanation of how to join TogetherGifts.

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